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Creating and editing sequence numbers

Sequence names must be unique for each folder and may not contain spaces or illegal characters. They can be repeated in other folders although we do not recommend it. Sequence numbers may be positive or negative integers (Long data type) but negative numbers are not very useful.

Note    The BlueCielo Sequence Number Manager does not prevent skipping sequence numbers and it keeps no record of unused numbers. Similarly, the Sequence object methods in VBScript do not check for unused numbers. Functions similar to these must be implemented with custom programming or other methods.

To create a sequence number:

  1. In BlueCielo Sequence Number Manager, view the sequences as described in Viewing sequence numbers for the folder where you want to create the number sequence. Ensure that the sequence does not already exist.
  2. Click New. The New Sequence dialog box appears.
  3. Type the sequence name in the text box and click OK. The dialog disappears and the new sequence appears in the list. The default value of new sequences is 0.

To edit a sequence number:

  1. In BlueCielo Sequence Number Manager, view the sequences as described in Viewing sequence numbers for the folder where you want to edit a sequence.
  2. Select the sequence that you want to edit and click Change. The Change Sequence Number dialog box appears.
  3. Type the new sequence value in the text box and click OK. The dialog disappears and the new sequence value appears in the list.


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About sequence numbers

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